Struggling to choose between GoDaddy and SiteGround to host your WordPress sites? In short: for most people, SiteGround is the better option. Why? Primarily because SiteGround offers significantly better performance,... View Article
WP Engine aims to provide fast, secure and stable managed WordPress hosting for people who take their sites seriously. But does it deliver on those goals? In this review, I’ll... View Article
Substack has become the new darling of blogging platforms. And with all platforms where creators seek to woo an audience into supporting them, there are ways and best practices — and a... View Article
Are you trying to choose between Bluehost and Namecheap for hosting or domain registration? They’re both popular choices in the budget WordPress hosting space. But, while both companies offer hosting... View Article
Looking for a complete and easy-to-follow guide on how to get started with WordPress? WordPress is by far the most popular way to make a website, so you’ve definitely made... View Article
What if I told you there is a place for your blog that has a built-in audience of 750k paid members and 160 million readers each month, helps rank your... View Article
Trying to choose between Substack and Medium to start writing online? While both platforms make it easy to get up and running, there are some very important differences between the... View Article
If you’re thinking of setting up an online shop, or turning your WordPress website into an ecommerce store, then you’ve likely considered WooCommerce. This is the most popular ecommerce solution... View Article
Managed WordPress hosting is a special type of hosting that’s specifically built for WordPress sites. While you can host WordPress on pretty much any host, managed WordPress hosting offers WordPress-specific... View Article
Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make money online, and there are dozens of WordPress affiliate plugins out there that can help you do it well. If... View Article