Under The Hood!
Curious to find out which tools and services we’ve chosen to use on this very site? Below is a list of how we roll – a kind of WordPress blogging blueprint, if you will:
Flywheel (web hosting)
Originally powered by DreamHost, then Media Temple, we’re now running on Flywheel’s [pretty darn awesome] managed WordPress hosting (read our in-depth review).
(See deals)
Jetpack (plugin)
From added security to displaying related posts, spam prevention and lots lots more: there’s a whole array of reasons to use this incredible plugin (read our review).
Check it out!
Akismet (plugin)
Like millions of others, we use Akismet to block comment and trackback spam — allowing us to, as the official Akismet website says: “focus on more important things”. Set it up and let it run. Simple!
Check it out!
Yoast SEO (plugin)
We started off with the famous All in one SEO Pack, but then moved to Joost de Valk’s ‘Yoast SEO’ because, well, it’s awesome (highly recommended)!
Check it out!
Redirection (plugin)
We use redirection primarily for shortening, tracking and cleaning up links to other sites — especially when those links are great big long affiliate links.
Check it out!
GTMetrix (service)
We need our website to be fast and do a lot to ensure it always is. How do we monitor and check our site’s speed? Simple: using automated GTMetrix alerts that trigger when page load speeds go over a few seconds (read more on GTMetrix)!
Check it out!
Pingdom (service)
Uptime is a serious issue for many sites. Instead of blindly assuming things are always fine, make sure they are using an uptime monitoring tool like Pingdom (read more on Pingdom)!
Check it out!
(note: This is the current list of plugins, tools and services used on WinningWP — as the site changes/evolves, so too will this list)