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What is Shopify? (Video Explanation)
With over 800,000 stores, a year-over-year average growth of 126% for its merchants, and 20% of the market share in e-commerce platforms, Shopify is the the third largest e-commerce platform on the internet. This all translates into Shopify being a great platform to sell your products for your e-commerce business.
From high-end furniture to t-shits, you can use Shopify to build an e-commerce shop with simplicity and ease. And in this video we use the 14-day trial to take you through the process of signing up to listing your first products to sell live.
Let’s take a look…
What is Shopify? And What Can It Do?
Direct link to watch the video over on YouTube.
- note: if you’re interested in seeing just what Shopify can do, check out this earlier post of ours: 55+ Stunning Examples of Real-Life Websites Using Shopify!
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