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Creating a Wikipedia page for Mike Little . . .

If you’re not familiar with who Mike Little is or why it is that pretty much the whole of the WordPress community owes him a huge debt of gratitude, you’d be forgiven: because as anybody who’s met him in person will tell you, Mike Little comes across as a very modest, self-effacing kind of guy who doesn’t seem at all keen on the limelight. The truth is however, that – as Matt Mullenweg is himself usually the first to admit – had Mike Little not volunteered his help with forking the then-popular blogging software of b2/cafelog back in January 2003, WordPress as we know and love it today might never have come to pass!

So it may seem odd then, that considering how instrumental Mike Little was in the development of WordPress (if you’re interested in reading more on just how instrumental Mike Little was in this respect, take a quick break from this article and check out an earlier post of ours entitled ‘A brief History of WordPress‘), Mike Little hasn’t even got his own page on Wikipedia – something first brought to our attention by Code For The People’s Simon Dickson back in November 2013 at WordCamp London – where Mike actually made a rare onstage-appearance to give a 45-minute talk entitled “10 Years of WordPress: A Founder’s View” – a talk that actually turned out to be one of the most well-received talks of the day!

Well, after hearing Simon’s thoughts echoed by number of different people, we decided to go and do something about this Wikipedia oversight: namely, we’ve gone ahead and created a wikipedia article covering what little we know of this humble, friendly character. What’s more, given the nature of Wikipedia (in that anybody can edit it) we’re hoping that anybody who knows a little* (or a lot) about Mike can add to our entry, which at the time of writing is only a Wikipedia ‘stub article‘: meaning it could really do with being expanded (we weren’t even sure of Mike’s exact birthday!).

The only thing left to add then, is if you’re new to editing Wikipedia, have a quick read of how to go about doing it (policies and conventions etc) before jumping in – since now Mike’s finally got a page (at last!), it sure would be a shame if Wikipedia ended up taking it down due to anybody inadvertently breaking wiki guidelines…

*no pun intended

» Link to Mike Little’s Wikipedia page.

For more on Mike and his current web activities, check out his blog. Oh, and of course…

…here’s to you Mike!

By Brin Wilson

Founder of WinningWP (currently building/writing CryptoNotBlockchain) - passionate about all things WordPress! Find me on Twitter.
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